BADEN ca. 1851/52, Nr. 2a, 3. Kr. NR-STPL 122, SALEM, BPP SIGN. CV 70,-

Categorie: > STAMPS(11171) > GERMANY(7843) > OLD GERMAN STATES(1006) > BADEN(43) > BADEN(33)
Item description: (German)  BADEN ca. 1851/52, Nr. 2a, 3. Kr. NR-STPL 122, SALEM, BPP SIGN. CV 70,-   Item number: 20106869
Baden ca. 1851/52, Nr. 2a, 3 Kr. schwarz auf orangegelb, gestempelt. Entwertet mit dem schwarzen Nummernstempel 122, Salem, sauber und klar. Marke, voll - bis breitrandig, doppelt signiert Flemming BPP. SEM 60,- + 10,-

Automatic translation to English (powered by philatranslator):
Baden approximate 1851 / 52, no. 2a, 3 Kr. Black on orange yellow, used. Tied by the black nummeral cancel 122, salem, neat and clear. Stamp, full - to with wide margins, signed twice Flemming BPP. SEM 60,- + 10,-
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Item location:
Tenerife, Canarias, Spanien
Weight: 2 Gr.
Item specifics for stamp/stamps:
Quality: no faults (Superb)
Expertize: BPP expert mark
Cancellation: complete stamp
Catalogue: SEM, Cat.-No.: 2a o. Catalogue value 70.00 EUR
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Fix price 35.00 EUR
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