Item description: (German) ZUSAMMENDRUCKE 1949, Bauten R1a + 20 im Viererblock, Pracht, Mi. (100.-) | Item number: 20108812 | |
1949, Bauten "R1a + 20" im Viererblock, Pracht, Mi. (100.-) Automatic translation to English (powered by philatranslator): 1949, buildings rectangle cancel with one line a + 20 in the block of four, superb, Michel (100.-) |
Informations about the seller Seller: nordphila Frage an nordphila View seller's other items Registered as a business seller Item location: Lindhöft, Deutschland |
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Quality: look at the scan |
Catalogue: , Cat.-No.: S 4 Legend |
Real-Auction Start 25.00 EUR |
End time: 25 days 13 hours 2024-10-07 15:55:00 MEZ Tell-A-Friend Aktueller Preis EUR 25.00 |
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Listing and payment hints: nordphila veranstaltet Versteigerungen. Es gelten die Versteigerungsbedingungen. Impressum: |